Gaming Performance on Gtx750+G2020 Dual Core Processor

Hello friends, today I want to share my experience with the gaming performance of the Gtx750 graphics card and G2020 Pentium dual-core processor combination. I searched many sites to find out which graphics card is suitable for my PC. Some people mentioned that the Pentium is not ideal for gaming, but I didn’t have the extra money to invest in a new processor. I decided to start by getting a graphics card and planned to upgrade the processor to a Core i5 later. At that time, the Gtx 650Ti graphics card had a good market rating, and its price fit my budget.

When I went to the market to purchase a new GTX650 TI graphics card, the seller informed me that it was not available at that time. I searched online and found a new graphics card, the GTX 750, with a similar price to the Gtx 650 Ti. The Gtx 750 graphics card offered better performance than the Gtx 650 Ti, and it was more power-efficient. I decided to go with the Zotac Gtx 750 and purchased it online for Rs. 8790.00 from

After 4 days, I received my new graphics card, plugged it into my motherboard, and installed the drivers. When I started Battlefield 4, the performance was amazing. I could play Battlefield 4 with medium settings at 40-60 fps. While you can play Battlefield 4 with high settings, there might be occasional lag. Other games ran smoothly with high settings.

My PC configuration includes Zotac Gtx750, Pentium dual-core G2020 2.9 GHz, 4GB DDR3 RAM, 1600X900 LG TFT Monitor, and Windows 7 SP1 64-bit OS. Trust me, it can smoothly handle all the latest games with good settings.

You can watch my game videos recorded with Fraps. When recording game videos with any software, there is a slight drop in game performance. However, during normal play, you can enjoy all the latest games with high settings very smoothly with Gtx 750 + G2020.

Also read: How to increase game performance with Game Booster 3.5 Beta.

Gaming performance on Gtx750+G2020 dual-core processor.

 BattleField4 (Medium Setting) –

 Bioshock Infinite (GOTY) (High Setting)-

The Vanishing of  Ethan Carter (High Setting)-

Borderlands The Pre-Sequel  With (High Setting)-

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6 thoughts on “Gaming Performance on Gtx750+G2020 Dual Core Processor”

  1. Guies,,,,, I am having Intel dh61bf mother bord.but I don’t know that I can install gtx 1050 ddr5 graphics card ,can I?

  2. I have pentium g2020 and 4gb RAM and Iam planning to buy a zotac nvidia gtx 750 ti 2gb.To avoid bottlenecking what can I do except upgrading the processor,What if I upgrade the RAM to 8GB?

    1. I have tried 750 non ti 1gb version and you’re going to buy ti 2gb version. I think, It would be fine to play all latest games with good settings without upgrading Ram.

    1. Brother you buy a gt 730 ddr5 version recomanded low bugget.
      or 740
      or 750 ti recomanded if bugget 10k

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