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How to Find & Cancel Pending Sent Friend Request on Facebook

If we want to make friends on Facebook, then we need to send a friend request. After sending friend requests to your friend accepts the request. You become their friend. Many times it happens that you inadvertently send individual requests to your friends and the people do not accept him, So Your request is pending which persists. Who called pending friend requests. Gradually, the number of them goes on and it has a negative impact on your Facebook account. Many times it happens that which you’ve submitted a request to your requests are discarded, then send your friend request several days, weeks, months, Facebook is on the blocks. So it is good that the people you do not know if, then do not send requests him and to cancel it if you accidentally send. It will remain secure your Facebook account. so today I’ll show you how to find these pending sent friend request & how you can delete it.

So how’s Track and cancel a pending sent Friend request-

1- First login to your Facebook Account.

2-  After login click on Friend request notification icon from top bar.

Pending Sent Friend Request :Click-on-Friends-request-notification-icon

3- Click on “Find Friends” link or you can click “See All”. as you seen in the image-

Pending Sent Friend Request :Now-tap-on-Find-Friends-option

4- Now click on “View Sent Requests” Link-

Pending Sent Friend Request :Facebook-View-sent-request-option

5- Mouse over on “Friend Request Sent” and click on “Cancel Request”.

Pending Sent Friend Request: Tap-on-Facebook-sent-friend-request-button

6- Now cancel confirmation box appear. Click on “Cancel Request” Button.

Pending Sent Friend Request :Click-on-Cancel-button-to-cancel-your-friend-request
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Pramod Yadav

I'm Pramod Yadav, the person who owns and leads PCMobitech. I really love technology, and I know a lot about the digital world. This passion pushes me to create interesting content. I mainly write about Windows, Android, iOS, VPNs, and keeping things secure online. I make helpful articles, guides, and share tips & tricks to help you understand and use these things better.

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