Do You Really Need An Antivirus for Android in 2025?

Do you think an antivirus app needs to protect your Android Phone? If yes, then you must read this article. Here we will discuss why you do not need an antivirus app for an Android phone.

When we think about protecting our PC and smartphone, only one thing comes to mind: the need for the best antivirus. It should protect our data from viruses, malware, and hackers. But did you know that you can run your smartphone without having an antivirus app?

You don’t need to install Antivirus on Android in 2025

If you’re shocked after reading the above heading, then it is true, and you can run your Android-based device without any antivirus or malware application. With some basic knowledge and by following some guidelines, you will not need to install an antivirus app.


Do you know that antivirus programs can harm instead of providing benefits? This may be unbelievable, but the truth is that you have to bear the losses along with the advantages. Most antivirus apps are available for free in the Play Store, and anyone can easily download and install them on their smartphone and continue using them for life without spending anything. Hence, nobody thinks about the disadvantages of antivirus apps on Android phones. Here, I have listed a few issues that you will have to face after installing an antivirus app:

  • It scans the phone regularly, so your device will perform slower than expected.
  • Your device will heat too much due to high CPU use.
  • The device battery will drain much faster.
  • It can collect unnecessary information from your device, putting your privacy at risk.

Before reaching any decision, you need to understand how the Android system works:


(Antivirus, Launcher, Browser, Contacts, Phone. etc.)

Application Framework:

(Activity Manager, Telephony Manager, View System, Location manager, etc)

Android Runtime:

(Dalvik Virtual Machine, Art Virtual Machine, etc.)


(The Android runtime, Open GL, WebKit, Media frameworks, Secure Socket Layer, etc.)

Linux Kernel:

(Security, Memory Management, Process Management, Network Stack, Driver Model. etc.)

As you can see above, all the apps are installed at the top layer, and below that, the application framework is there. Do you know that all Linux-based distributions are mostly secure from any viruses, and Android is also a Linux-based operating system? It is a highly secure OS because in Android, all the applications run in a sandbox and don’t have system file access. So any application can’t harm your device unless you root your phone.

Viruses and malware always come from the applications that you install from the Play Store or from a third-party place. Once you install the infected app, it will only affect the userland area, which means the applications layer. These can’t automatically expand the infection in the System OS because they have read-only permission and can’t make changes to system files, as they can do on the Windows operating system.

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After seeing the above thing, you can understand that there is no need to install antivirus software on your Android Device, but you have to follow a few things to keep your phone secure:

How to Run Android without Antivirus?

As you read, Android can be used without antivirus, but you will have to know a few things so that the Android device will not be infected with viruses and malware:

Don’t Root your Phone:

You should not root your Android phone if you want to care for your device. Once you root your phone, it enables the door of system file access for virus or malware infection. Rooting unlocks the security layer protection of the system, and when you install any app that is already infected, it can also easily write the code into the system-level files. After that, you don’t have any chances to completely wipe the virus infection.

Don’t install any application from Unknown Source:

If you want to keep your device safe from infection, then you should always download apps from the Google Play Store. Google takes care of your device and always scans for viruses. If Google finds any app exhibiting suspicious behavior, it will block them from Google Play and will warn you about the app. When downloading an app, you should use Google Play instead of unknown sources.

Don’t trust all applications in Play Store:

I mentioned in the above paragraph that you should always download apps only from the Play store, but you should not download all apps blindly. I’m saying this because the Google Play Store is also filled with many junk applications that can harm your Android Phone. These apps are always poorly rated and commented on by users. So, please double-verify the developer of the app and its reputation before downloading.

Check permissions before downloading

When we install any app from the Google Play Store, it asks for some permissions such as access to the phone, contacts, SMS, location, calendar, microphone, camera, storage, etc. If an app is asking for permission that is not required to run that app, then you shouldn’t install or allow permission to the app. For example, if you are installing a calculator app and it is asking for camera or microphone permission, then it is suspicious, and you shouldn’t download similar apps.

Don’t Visit a Suspicious Site.

It is the main thing that many Android users always ignore. Today, we try to download pirated content such as movies, videos, audios, and apps from the online world, but many sites inject scripts into the browser. Then, we start seeing unwanted messages on the screen, such as “Your phone is infected with malware” or “Your phone is slow, click here to fix.” Once you follow their steps, they will install an infected app on your phone, and later it will start damaging your Android device. So, never download cracked content using your phone.

Keep Updated Apps and OS

Please keep all apps and the operating system updated. Time to time, the developer of the app and the device release an update for fixing bugs and errors. It can prevent a backdoor for hackers, and no one will be accessing your content without your knowledge.

After reading the above information, you can understand that if you follow these guidelines, then you don’t need to install an antivirus application for your Android Device. Android is the safest platform, and anyone who has basic knowledge and uses the phone for basic purposes, the device will never be infected with viruses or malware.

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Pramod Yadav

I'm Pramod Yadav, the person who owns and leads PCMobitech. I really love technology, and I know a lot about the digital world. This passion pushes me to create interesting content. I mainly write about Windows, Android, iOS, VPNs, and keeping things secure online. I make helpful articles, guides, and share tips & tricks to help you understand and use these things better.

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